Body language and hands in pockets, what information can we get out of it? Let us tell you what it means in this article!

What does it really mean?

When someone put their hands in their pockets it’s a signal of insecurity and lack of confidence. Yes sometimes people put their hands in their pockets because it feels comfortable and it doesn’t always have to mean they lack confidence. On the other side though if you feel uncomfortable and insecure it is going to feel comfortable for you to put your hands in your pockets.

When hands in pockets signals high confidence

As you now know, when a person puts their hands in their pockets it’s usually a signal of low confidence. Except when their thumb is visible and sticks out of their pocket. Then it actually tells you the opposite, it signals high-confidence. This is often seen with high-status individuals.

Body language and hands in pockets

What about when the thumb is the only finger resting in the pocket?

When you see a person put his thumbs in his pockets with the fingers hanging out on the side, it again signals low confidence.

Just remember that thumb equals confidence. When the thumb stick out it shows high confidence. When the thumb is hidden in the pocket it signals low confidence.

Be aware of your hands

A lot of people aren’t aware of this, but our brain give a big amount of attention to the hands. This makes sense when we think about it, because if another human is thinking about hurting you, he’s going to use his hands to make that happen. That’s why our subconscious mind pays a lot of attention to people’s hands, looking for a potential weapon. That’s why people show their hands when they want to show you that they aren’t a threat to you. If you hide your hands from people they’re automatically going to feel more uncomfortable, because their subconscious mind can’t tell if they are a threat or not. This is why you should show your hands if you want people to feel comfortable around you.

Because we pay a lot of attention to people’s hands we also appreciate when people gesticulate and uses their hands to tell a story. So we can also get positive things out of using our hands in the right way. If you want people to think about you as interesting or as a good story teller, you should practice to use your hands more when speaking to people.


That’s what body language and hands in pockets can reveal to you. It’s a good thing to be aware of our hands and not hide them in our pockets, behind our backs or under the table. Hiding your hands from people can make them feel that you are insecure, that you are hiding something or that you aren’t telling the truth. So I recommend you to not make a habit of hiding your hands from people in any way. Instead you should practice to use your hands when speaking, to make your interaction with people better.

If you want to know more about the body language of our hands, you can check out this article!