In this article we are going to tell you about 15 different nonverbal signals. This is going to let you see the body language of a girl who likes you. This is something we all have thought about at some time.

We often have a feeling inside of us telling that a girl is into us, but we don’t always trust out intuition. After you have finished this article you’re going to have a much better understanding about how attraction shows itself in our bodies.

When you have memorized the body language of a girl who likes you and you see a girl show you that body language. You don’t have to rely on only your intuition anymore. Now you actually have some sort of proof for yourself and you know that it probably isn’t only wishful thinking that she likes you.


Birds of feather flock together, we like people that are like us. When we like someone we often mirror the body language of the other person. We sit the way they sit, hold our arms like they do. As they move a body part into another position we do too. When we mirror someone it’s a sign that we like and accept them. So if you can see that she mirrors your body language. At least you know that she’s comfortable around you and there’s a good chance she likes you too.

If you think she’s mirroring your body language but you aren’t sure. An easy way to figure it out is to just change the position you’re sitting in. Then look if she moves into the same position. Sometimes it happens almost instantly. Just seconds after you have changed your position. But it can also take longer, making it look more discreetly. So don’t always expect that it has to happen in seconds. She might well mirror your body language, but for example with a delay of 30 seconds.

One thing is for sure, if you notice someone mirroring your body language. At least you know that they doesn’t dislike you. It’s very rare to see someone mirroring you if they dislike you, if they aren’t doing it to mock you. But in that case their intention would be obvious.

She points her feets towards you


Our feets are the most honest part of our body. Our feets show where the attention really is. If we are in a conversation but one or both of the other person’s feets are pointing away from us. It’s a sign that he or she wants to be elsewhere. It doesn’t necessarily mean she doesn’t like us. It simply means her attention is elsewhere. One of her friends that she’s dying to talk to might have entered the room, or she might be in a hurry for an appointment. That’s something you have to figure out in that case.

On the opposite side though, if her feets are pointing towards us. It means her attention is on us and the conversation. But this isn’t only something you can look at when you’re in a conversation with her. Actually, if you’re wondering if she likes you. It might be more powerful to look for this body language signal when you aren’t in a conversation with her. Because if she is in a conversation with somebody else or whatever she’s doing. If one or both of her feets on multiple occasions are pointing at you. It shows you that her attention really is on you, even though she aren’t talking to you at that moment.

She tilts her head

Woman her tilting head

Head tilt is a signal of submission. When we tilt our head we also expose our throat and neck. Making ourselves vulnerable and non-threating. If you’re a dog owner you have probably seen your dog tilt its head. This is a signal of interest. We humans also do it a lot. When we’re in a conversation with someone and they tilt their head, it’s a good sign that they’re interested in what you have to say.

Women uses head tilt to show interest in men. A women who is non-threatening and are showing signals of submission is attracting to most men. Therefore women uses this signal to show interest in a man.

In a conversation where someone is truly listening to you, it’s very common that they’re tilting their head while nodding. Showing you that they’re listening to you.

She flips her hair back

When a when a girl likes you, you can see her flip the hair over the shoulders. Showing you that she cares about how she looks in front of you.

Don’t get all excited just because she flips her hair back though. As with every body language signal, you should never rely on any single sign. It’s much more reliable to have a cluster of signals telling you the same thing.

Putting her face in the headlight

When a girl lets her elbows rest on the table, arms up, with one of her hands on top of the other, with her chin resting on her hands. She’s putting her face in the spotlight for you to admire. That’s something she does when she likes you.

It’s logical isn’t it? If she didn’t like you, why would she want you to admire her face?

Nostril flaring

There are multiple reasons why peoples nostrils flare. Most of the time it’s because we are preparing to do something physical. Like carrying an object or walking up the stairs. But it can also be a sign of an angry person who’s about to hit you.

So why do our nostrils start to flare when we’re about to do something physical? It’s simply our body taking in more oxygen to prepare for whatever we’re going to do.

As you can guess nostril flaring is also a sign of attraction. Because nostril flaring can mean different things. You have to look at the context. But if you’re sitting down, having a conversation with a girl and it’s going smoothly. If her nostrils start to flare it’s a signal of attraction. If there was any reason for her nostrils to flare, you would notice it. Because that would either mean she was angry or about to do something physical. But because she’s sitting down talking to you, that isn’t very probable. This is what I mean when I always tell people to look at the context.

She bites her lip

There’s a lot of reasons why we bite our lips. We do it when we are nervous, excited, concentrating, when we strain ourselves from saying something.

But if a girl bites her lip when she sees you or during a conversation. It’s a good chance that she’s into you! It’s her way of showing you that she’s excited.

Pupil dilation

Our pupils are in a way totally honest, we have no conscious control over them. If we see something we like they dilate. But unfortunately it isn’t that easy. Because our pupils do not only react to our emotions. They do also react to changes in light. But still, as long as you’re conscious about this, it’s a good sign to look for.

Showing her wrists

Woman showing her wrist

Another sign that a girl is interested in you. Is if she continually exposes the underside of her wrist to you. If you’re speaking to a girl and she gradually starts to show the underside of her wrist more and more. It could mean that her attraction to you is growing as the conversation goes on.

She glances at you a lot

Woman looking into camera

If you find that she’s glancing at you a lot. You can bet that she’s interested in you. You want to know the body language of a girl who likes you. Well this is a strong signal that she likes you. When you think about it, it’s quite obvious. If she glances at you often it’s because you have her attention. Of course there could be other reasons why you have her attention. She could also be afraid of you. But most people can read a situation well enough to know if that’s the case.

If you are at a party and you talk a lot, you’re automatically going to get her attention. But if she still glances at you a lot even when you don’t talk. It’s a strong sign of interest.

Is she giving you a real smile?

Smiling girl

We have two smiles. One fake smile that we uses out of courtesy and one real smile. If she likes you she is probably going to give you a real genuine smile. The easy way to tell if her smile is fake or real. Is to watch her eyes. A real smile is going to make wrinkles around the outer side of the eyes.

So to make it simple, when someone uses a fake smile. They only move their mouth. A rule of thumb is this, you should be able to tell that she’s smiling even if she covered her mouth. Just be looking at and around her eyes.

She touches you

Human touch

Of all our tips about the body language of a girl who likes you, this is definitely an important one to look for. First and foremost, if she touches you. It’s at least a sign that she’s comfortable around you, if she weren’t, she wouldn’t be touching you. But it doesn’t stop there. Touch is a powerful sign, something we do to show someone that we’re interested in them. It is often done in a playful way. If she seem to take every opportunity to touch you, you should take it as a very positive sign.

Be aware though that some people tend touch and hug a lot. If you have the chance, you should look how she behaves around other people. If she’s much touchier around you than other people, well there you have it!

She blushes

This is not something that everybody do. But if you see her blush while meeting her, it could be a sign that she likes you. Be aware though that you also blush when you’re embarrassed about something.

She’s invading your personal space

When we invade a person’s personal space, it often mean that we’re comfortable around them. When a girl does this it’s often because she likes you and want to be near you.

It’s definitely not something we do with people we don’t like, if we aren’t trying to threaten them of course. When we don’t like someone our body instead tend to make more space between us and the other person.

She looks at your lips

This is another powerful signal. If a girl holds good eye contact with you and she regularly looks down at your lips and then back at your eyes again. It’s a sign that she’s attracted to you and might be open to kiss you.

Especially if you have been waiting to kiss her and you know she likes you. If she does this you can be comfortable about what she wants.

Now you know the body language of a girl who likes you

With all these tips you should be able to see the body language of a girl who likes you. Just remember too look after multiple signs and never rely on only one. The more nonverbal signals you can find that are pointing in the same direction the more confident you can be.

If you’re interested in a girl you should also think about what body language you’re showing. If you like her you want her to know right? So show her through your body language. Show her that you’re comfortable and happy around her. One important thing is to hold good eye contact. This shows her that you’re both interested in her but also confident enough to look her in the eyes. Science has shown that girls are much better at reading body language. So she’s probably going to notice if you dare to show her that you’re interested.

One last tip

If you only take one thing from this article it should be the following. Compare her body language and how she behaves around other people with how she behaves around you. This is what all the body language signals are about. If she would show all these signals above to everyone they would be worthless. The only reason the signals above have any significance. Is because most people show these signals only when they like someone.